Assalamualaikum Hello you beautiful people! Here I am, back at it again with another not so interesting blog post about myslef. See, eja myself pun tak betoi..Anyway, its been almost three months already I slowly slide myself up into adulthood or working life..If you ask me, I prefer study life better.. Dulu when...
Assalamualaikum. Hey guys, what have you guys been doing? I hope, sesapa saja yang reading this blog. Wherever you are, you guys are doing fine.. Happy with your family.. and always be grateful for the fact the you are still alive. If you read my previous entry, I mentioned that I was going...
Assalamualaikum, Hey guys *whoever still read this blog.. I know I know, I failed big time trying to write here daily.. I kinda saw it coming actually.. But nevermind, I guess after this, I'll just write whenever I feel like writing without emphasizing that I want to write here everyday. You know, actually,...

Assalamualaikum, Semalam aku xtulis apa2 kat sini.. Adoyai, dah dua hari dah terskip.. Btw, semalam tu aku x tulis ada sebabnya.. Aku plan nak tulis malam semalam, tapi tetiba pulak malam semalam adik aku Iman Syippo (dia ni Youtuber), minta tolong aku jadi cameraman untuk video baru dia..So, xsempat nak tulis kat sini.....
Assalamualaikum. Guys, today's entry is going to be so short. As I've mentioned in a few entries back, I have just finished my degree a couple of months ago.. As it was our last time being together as batch mates, my friends and I decided to make a short film about our last...
Assalamualaikum. Hey, its me again! Still on the mission to write on this blog every freakin day! Will I make it? Absolutely no. Because I have already skipped one day which was supposed to be day 4. But nevermind.. Lets make it up! We can do this! Now, today lets talk about Langkawi...
Assalamualaikum, People say, You are as old as you feel.. Its true. very true indeed. Tapi kata-kata tu is applied to the spiritual/psychological part of yourself only. Betul tak? Sebab tak kira semuda mana pun kita cuba untuk rasa, tubuh fizikal kita tetap akan menua. Kedut tetap akan muncul. Gigi tetap akan rapuh...

Assalamualaikum. Hello guys, its been 6 days already! Everything is going pretty well now here on this blog. Starting from random thoughts, then suddenly yesterday I shared something that might be useful to some of you guys out there.. What bothering me is actually what language should I use when writing here in...
Assalamualaikum. Semalam tak post entry.. Tetiba hilang mood untuk menulis kat sini. Well actually sebab semalam memang tak dak idea langsung nak tulis apa. Di tambah pulak dengan rasa malas yang luar biasa. So, kita ambik cuti sehari. Hehe.. Hari ni aku tulis dalam bahasa melayu sebab isu yang nak aku kongsikan kat...
Assalamualaikum! Its day 4! I think im going to be just fine writing here everyday for a couple of weeks or so, but after that, Im going to have like an intense little battle with my laziness before writing here.. We'll just see how it goes. As for now, I'll just be writing...
Assalamualaikum, Howdy guys! Here we go again.. This is day no.3 of me trying to write here everyday. Despite of having no significant event happening in my life these days, I will try to make an entry in this blog every single day. Lets see how I'd do ok and cut me some...

Assalamualaikum! Hello Guys! Here I am again. Im trying to write here everyday starting from yesterday. haha..Lets see how long can I last! These few weeks, I have been watching videos on Youtube more than I ever have. Waking up from sleep, I straight away check my email and then I go to...
Assalamualaikum, Salam muhibbah guys! I know it has been a really long time since I last posted here. So many things have happened since then. I finished my degree on february, I've applied to further my studies to masters level because I feel like I have not yet satisfied with the knowledge that...
Assalamualaikum w.b.t
Apa habaq kalian sekalian? Lama sudah tuan empunya blog tak datang melawat blog ni, apatah lagi kalian sekalian kan? Kali ni aku terlintas untuk tulis sesuatu dekat sini setelah aku terbaca status seorang kawan aku tentang seorang youtuber yang memberikan pendapat beliau tentang perbezaan sekolah international dengan sekolah kerajaan. Tp jgn bimbang, tulisan ini bukan untuk menghentam sesiapa ataupun untuk mencurah minyak pada api yg sedang viral, cuma nak berkongsi cerita. Dalam banyak-banyak points yang disebutkan youtuber tu, aku tertarik dengan point "cincai work" yang ditujukan pada cikgu-cikgu sekolah kerajaan. Now, kita semua tahu yang dia tak tujukan tu dekat semua cikgu-cikgu dekat sekolah kerajaan, mungkin dia tujukan hanya kepada beberapa orang cikgu yang pernah dia jumpa (but its still wrong to say things like that about teachers tho), dan aku pun taknaklah further memanjangkan cerita tentang apa yang dia maksudkan dengan "cincai work" and berapa ramai cikgu yg dia jumpa yg tunjukkan such attitude. Apa yang aku nak buat cumalah nak berkongsi satu cerita tentang seorang cikgu sekolah rendah aku yang definitely did not do "cincai work".
Nama beliau Cikgu Fatimah. She taught me when I was in primary school. Standard 6 to be specific. Cikgu fatimah mengajar kami matapelajaran Bahasa Inggeris. Beliau kalau mengajar memang nak sampai kami semua faham betul-betul apa yang dia ajar. So, she did kelas tambahan, she did free tuition and she even spent money on us by giving us presents and stuff if we get "stars" for our homeworks. Beliau memang kerja keras untuk pelajar-pelajar beliau. Dan dalam banyak-banyak perkara yang terjadi masa sekolah rendah dulu, ada satu insiden yang aku masih ingat harini dan akan ingat sampai bila-bila because it has affected my life so much up until now.The story goes like this, We've just had our mid-year examination and result untuk setiap paper akan dapat waktu dalam class lah kan. So untuk subject bahasa inggeris, satu hari tu Cikgu Fatimah masuk dalam kelas dengan muka yang lain macam. Selalunya dia nampak happy bila masuk kelas tapi kali ni, muka dia marah, dekat tangan dia ada paper kami. We knew its not good and I had it coming because I knew how bad did I do for the exam. Then dalam kelas, she distributed the papers, and after that, dia mula marah sebab takda siapa dapat A untuk subjek Bahasa Inggeris kelas tu, kelas 6 Arked. A little while after that, she started crying. Not just the "tears slowly falling down her cheek" cry but like really really crying while talking to us, trying to motivate us to do better next time. I can see frustration in her eyes, but she didnt say that we've disappointed her tho. Then when she couldnt continue talking anymore, she left the class. We , didnt know what to do so we just sat quietly, in regret. During recess, we went to her table to apologize and she just asked us to do better next time for she had done so much for us, to see us able to understand English.
After that event, I worked so hard to improve my English. I even tried to memorize a mini dictionary that I have back then. I really did try to but of course la I didnt managed to memorize everything kan, nevertheless it really helped. I took what happened that day seriously, because I knew how serious Cikgu Fatimah was to educate us. I promise myself that I wont disappoint her again. Little that I knew, the efforts that I put to improve my English (so that I wont disappoint my teacher) back then has affected my life until now. First, Alhamdulillah I got A's for English subject for UPSR, PMR and SPM, then when I was a bit matured (just a bit), I started to realize how big of an impact a hardworking and dedicated teacher could give towards a student's life and that has motivated me to become an educator as well. So, I further my studies in Asasi TESL still (after 5 years), having in mind that I want to be an educator like my English teacher, to give a positive impact on my someone's life. Then, after Asasi, a bit unfortunate for me because I didnt get to further my studies in TESL (Degree) but never mind, I can still be an educator, I then chose B.A English with an aim to afterward do Masters and PhD to become a lecturer, educator. Alhamdulillah now, I have just finished my Bachelor Degree and berkat didikan all the teachers in my life, I am graduating with a fairly good grade and planning to further my studies. One teacher, one event but the impacts resonate through so many years in my life.
Apa yang cuba aku sampaikan kat sini adalah, impak yang sebesar itu yang telah diberikan oleh pada mulanya Cikgu Fatimah dan kemudiannya oleh cikgu-cikgu aku yang lain bukanlah datang dari "Cincai Work" seperti mana yang disebutkan youtuber berkenaan. Impak sebesar itu datang dari Kerja Keras, Kejujuran dan Ketabahan seorang guru yang mana hanya mengajar di sekolah kerajaan. She could have done "cincai work" if she wanted to and get away with it because we were only kids, we wont judge, we wont report to anyone, we knew nothing, but instead, she didn't. I believe there are so many more dedicated teachers out there that never tired of educating, motivating and changing lives of others. Jadi, jomlah kita berterima kasih pada cikgu-cikgu yang dah helped us through so many phases in our life.
And to Cikgu Fatimah, if somehow, you happen to read this, I want to say Thank You so much. I hope you are doing fine and I hope you still inspire people. Kepada semua cikgu2 yang dah kerja keras mendidik anak bangsa, keep it up! Anda semua ada dalam doa-doa kami para pelajar.Yang bakal jadi cikgu, be like the teachers who inspire you!