
Sembang2: Hows Life Treating Me Now?

September 11, 2016
Assalamualaikum  Hello you beautiful people! Here I am, back at it again with another not so interesting blog post about myslef. See, eja myself pun tak betoi..Anyway, its been almost three months already I slowly slide myself up into adulthood or working life..If you ask me, I prefer study life better.. Dulu when...

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Sembang2: Im Here Now.

July 19, 2016
Assalamualaikum. Hey guys, what have you guys been doing?  I hope, sesapa saja yang reading this blog. Wherever you are, you guys are doing fine.. Happy with your family.. and always be grateful for the fact the you are still alive. If you read my previous entry, I mentioned that I was going...

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Pengalaman: Turkish Scholarship & Malaysia Airport Training

June 01, 2016
Assalamualaikum, Hey guys *whoever still read this blog.. I know I know, I failed big time trying to write here daily.. I kinda saw it coming actually.. But nevermind, I guess after this, I'll just write whenever I feel like writing without emphasizing that I want to write here everyday. You know, actually,...

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Movie Time! : Review Cerita Captain America: Civil War

April 29, 2016
Assalamualaikum, Semalam aku xtulis apa2 kat sini.. Adoyai, dah dua hari dah terskip.. Btw, semalam tu aku x tulis ada sebabnya.. Aku plan nak tulis malam semalam, tapi tetiba pulak malam semalam adik aku Iman Syippo (dia ni Youtuber), minta tolong aku jadi cameraman untuk video baru dia..So, xsempat  nak tulis kat sini.....

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Jom Tengok!: Lambaian Terakhir Short Film

April 27, 2016
Assalamualaikum. Guys, today's entry is going to be so short. As I've mentioned in a few entries back, I have just finished my degree a couple of months ago.. As it was our last time being together as batch mates, my friends and I decided to make a short film about our last...

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Tips: Things To Do When Visiting Langkawi

April 26, 2016
Assalamualaikum. Hey, its me again! Still on the mission to write on this blog every freakin day! Will I make it? Absolutely no. Because I have already skipped one day which was supposed to be day 4. But nevermind.. Lets make it up! We can do this! Now, today lets talk about Langkawi...

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Tips: Petua Awet Muda.

April 25, 2016
Assalamualaikum, People say, You are as old as you feel.. Its true. very true indeed. Tapi kata-kata tu is applied to the spiritual/psychological part of yourself only. Betul tak? Sebab tak kira semuda mana pun kita cuba untuk rasa, tubuh fizikal kita tetap akan menua. Kedut tetap akan muncul. Gigi tetap akan rapuh...

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Sembang2: Apps To Edit Photo?

April 24, 2016
Assalamualaikum. Hello guys, its been 6 days already! Everything is going pretty well now here on this blog. Starting from random thoughts, then suddenly yesterday I shared something that might be useful to some of you guys out there.. What bothering me is actually what language should I use when writing here in...

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Pengalaman: Macam Mana Nak Tau Jika Ada Jin Di Dalam Rumah Kita?

April 23, 2016
Assalamualaikum. Semalam tak post entry.. Tetiba hilang mood untuk menulis kat sini. Well actually sebab semalam memang tak dak idea langsung nak tulis apa. Di tambah pulak dengan rasa malas yang luar biasa. So, kita ambik cuti sehari. Hehe.. Hari ni aku tulis dalam bahasa melayu sebab isu yang nak aku kongsikan kat...

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Sembang2: Scholarship RESULT is OUT!

April 21, 2016
Assalamualaikum! Its day 4! I think im going to be just fine writing here everyday for a couple of weeks or so, but after that, Im going to have like an intense little battle with my laziness before writing here.. We'll just see how it goes. As for now, I'll just be writing...

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Sembang2: Erasmus Mundus Result Announcement!

April 20, 2016
Assalamualaikum, Howdy guys! Here we go again.. This is day no.3 of me trying to write here everyday. Despite of having no significant event happening in my life these days, I will try to make an entry in this blog every single day. Lets see how I'd do ok and cut me some...

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Sembang2: Who To Watch on Youtube?

April 18, 2016
Assalamualaikum! Hello Guys! Here I am again. Im trying to write here everyday starting from yesterday. haha..Lets see how long can I last! These few weeks, I have been watching videos on Youtube more than I ever have. Waking up from sleep, I straight away check my email and then I go to...

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Sembang2: What is Up!?

April 18, 2016
Assalamualaikum, Salam muhibbah guys! I know it has been a really long time since I last posted here. So many things have happened since then. I finished my degree on february, I've applied to further my studies to masters level because I feel like I have not yet satisfied with the knowledge that...

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Pengalaman: Cikgu Yang Tidak Buat "Cincai Work"

February 24, 2016
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