Nuffnang: CPUV #37 to #46

By Kimi Jamai - October 08, 2014

Salam Muhibbah.. Hey guys, it has been a pretty long time since the last time I wrote anything here right? I know I said that I will try to occupy this blog with new entries as much as I can just like those good old days but I have to embrace and to admit that things are not the way they used to be anymore.. But I will still write here once in a while though.. and this time, I feel like writing in English.. Hehe.. so please bear with my grammars and stuffs ok?

So, here goes the story..While scrolling down my FB timeline just now I saw my fellow blogger named Sis Hanny post something about she getting a lot of CPUV for her blog.. Like really really a lot.. and I was intrigued by her facebook post so I clicked the link that she put together with the post.. and I was pretty shocked because the amount of the CPUV that she got is      a lot.. Mmg banyak nakhayam orang kedah kata.. At the same time, I was also happy lah for her.. She deserve those CPUVs.. Look at these..

And then I felt like checking my nuffnang earning, manalah nak tau kot2 dapat rezki mempelam runtuh macam kak hanny.. So, I checked my nuffnang account.. And..... .. ... I was right! I did get mempelam runtuh like kak Hanny... I dont know what is going on there at the Nuffnang office lately, but I LOoooVE nuffnang more than ever now.. haha.. Well, I should just consider this as a rezki right?  So.. Alhamdulillah.. Hehe.. Do give me more CPUV k in the future.. :)

Eventhough I dont really write here to make money but this might be a sign that I should continue writing here right?.. Hehe.. So, I think sampai sini dulu kot untuk kali ni.. You know what, to be honest, I dont write here as often as before is probably because my life is not as "interesting" as before kot.. Im not saying that life is bad now but, I just dont have anything much to share anymore.. Just not like those days.. But I do love my life now.. I love my life before and I will love my life in the future.. Ok lah later we'll take more about that ok? see ya when I see ya...

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